March 16,2019 marked an important epoch in the history of Springdales Schools as the jury of World Book of Records included the esteemed institution under honour category for organising largest agglomeration of 1500 students to create awareness regarding a “Sustainable Future”.
Presenting the Certificate of Commendation at the Valedictory Function of the two day long Festival ''Hamara Paryavaran '' - An Environmental Science Utsav , Dr. Saumitra Rawat, Chairman & HOD-Surgical, Gastro & Liver Transplant, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital complimented the school for providing quality education to the children. He also lauded the efforts of the school for imparting practical knowledge to the future citizens which will go a long way in their lives.
Welcoming the distinguished guests,which included members of the Old Springdalian Association, Dr. Jyoti Bose, Director ,Springdales Schools appealed to the students to be the Sustainable Change Makers of tomorrow and create a better and brighter world by adopting sustainable practices.
Springdales Schools have been running an active Environment Programme at its Environmental and Work Experience Farm at Chattarpur for more than four decades. The yearlong activities aim to equip all the Junior and Middle School students with the knowledge, skills and deep understanding of environmental issues confronting our planet and to create respect and appreciation for Mother Nature.
The students from both the branches of the school visit the farm on a rota basis to witness a rural set up, learn and actively participate in a variety of “Hands-on” nature projects. This year long programme culminated in a “Two-Day Environment Festival – Hamara Paryavaran”, and included a display of “Hands on’’ Science Projects and Experiments, Interactive Workshops on Best Out of Waste, Recycling of Paper, Nutrition for Sustainability, Weather Monitoring, Art work and other Farm Activities.Calling it a landmark movement in the history of Springdales Schools, Mrs. Rajni Kumar, Chairperson, Springdales Education Society urged the students to preserve the Planet Earth for future generations.
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