Over 400 parents of the kids from Delhi-NCR were part of this grand celebration that unveiled an array of charms. The event was graced by the eminent personalities including Dr. Jaishree Bhargava, Principal, DPS School Vasundhara, Ghaziabad, Mrs. Khushi Tandon, Head Mistress, Abhinandan Global School and the Indian Armed Forces veterans Col. K. S. Majithia and Sergeant G.S Bindra.
Addressing the august gathering at the occasion, Mr. Satnam Singh Sandhu, Managing Director, Fun Rangers said, “We are among the pioneers in providing professional and structured preschool education. Our endeavor and commitment in upholding the core values of our culturally-enriched heritage across each of our branches has helped us in creating a niche for ourselves in a very competitive Preschool education market.”
The well-coordinated event left the audience spell-bound with back-to-back performances of the kids. The theme of the annual day was “Unity In Diversity” and the children of the preschool with age ranging from 2 years to 4 years also showcased the cultural diversity and rich heritage of different states of India with their performances. The parents as well participated in dance and rampwalk that made the entire event a huge success. Finally the event culminated into patriotic performances by the Fun Rangers kids.
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