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Showing posts from February, 2019

Maharana of Mewar Charitable Foundation: 49 years serving as an inspiration to mankind by applauding outstanding achievements

36 Annual Awards        4425 Awardees             1 Vision Honouring service of permanent value rendered to society Maharana of Mewar Charitable Foundation (MMCF) has been committed to encouraging centres of excellence in heritage management, fine arts, the performing arts, education, ecological management, philanthropy, spirituality and sports. Unique in having conceived and implemented the practice of 'living heritage' MMCF is nurturing its legacy through broad-based and sustainable platforms of development within Rajasthan, in India and through global outreach programmes. MMCF continues to pursue its mission to develop cultural values in society by adopting innovative methods of communication. Amongst the most important of these values is to recognise excellence, through appreciation and to acknowledge achievement. Maharana Mewar Foundation Annual Scheme of Awards constitutes a major part of the activities of the Maharana of Mewar Charitable Foundation (MMCF), Udaipu