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Aspect Clay Facade envelops BESCOM for a good reason

Bangalore Electricity Supply Company (BESCOM), a part of Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited, has chosen Wienerberger’s  Aspect Clay Facade for cladding its premises. It’s a major milestone achieved by Wienerberger as it’s a huge order. Responsible for Power distribution in eight districts of Karnataka- Bangalore Urban, Bangalore Rural, Chikkaballapura, Kolar, Devanagere, Tumkur, Chitradurga and Ramanagara, BESCOM covers an area of 41,092 sq. km with a population of over 207 lakh.
The BESCOM Head Quarters in K.R Circle Bengaluru has employee strength of over 14000 people. The company required a façade that was environment-friendly and sustainable, and that also offered extensive longevity. Aspect Clay Tiles fit the bill perfectly considering its sustainable and long-lasting nature. The head-office used 1,400 sq. mtr. of Aspect clay façade, which was designed by RC Architecture.
Moreover, Wienerberger’s Aspect Clay Façade has been chosen for its properties of being natural, sustainable and offering major technical and architectural advantages as façade cladding. Clay as a building material lasts for generations. A correctly executed cladding, with clay tiles, is an excellent heat insulator as well. Thanks to its mass, ceramic has a high heat buffering capacity and its effect is as good as a building sheathed in continuous second skin, which minimizes heat loss in winter and prevents over-heating during summer. The variable joints and tile formats along with the tile properties prevent lateral shifting of the tiles and the penetration of rain water. The compression of the vertical joints prevents rattling of the tiles in windy conditions.
Monnanda Appaiah, MD, Wienerberger India said “Aspect was chosen specially for its louvers that gave an exclusive aesthetics to the building. Using clay facades provided the architects for greater creative expression. We aim to provide our clients with products for the whole building envelope that meet the requirements of the contemporary architects’ style quotient. We understand and appreciate the architect’s unique design aspirations and attempt to fulfil them through our natural, aesthetically appealing clay building products that can tastefully match the design requirements of the building.”


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