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Maharana of Mewar Charitable Foundation celebrated 391th birth anniversary of Maharana Raj Singh I (r. 1652 - 1680 CE) on 2nd November 2020

Maharana Raj Singh I, the 58th Custodian of the House of Mewar with his accomplishments and strategies have always awed people with his courageousness. Even the eulogies are not enough in his praise. MMCF documented and privileged to share the intrigues in the life and times of Maharana Raj Singh I under the patronage and guidance of the 76th Custodian, Shriji Arvind Singh Mewar of Udaipur.  MMCF, a living institution, is an initiative of the Custodians of the House of Mewar for perpetuation of its core values, such as service to society and mankind.

Shriji feels that in contemporary times, we should move away from a singular cultural identification and our endeavour should not identify the city with any one particular monument, or any single concept and idea, however unique it may be. ‘We envision Udaipur as a destination that is the embodiment of a living heritage that is sustaining the essence of the past, yet continually updating itself with modern elements’ he says.

Early life of Maharana Raj Singh I (r. 1652 – 1680 CE)

Maharana Raj Singh I was a very prominent ruler of the post medieval era known for his courage and diplomacy. According to ‘Rajratnakar’ by Sadashiv Bhatt and ‘Rajprashasti’ by Ranchod Bhatt - Maharana Raj Singh I is popularly remembered as a kind and religious ruler, canny military commander, an able administrator, patron of arts, architecture and literature. Kanwar Raj Singh was born to Maharana Jagat Singh I and Jana Devi (daughter of Raj Singh Rathore of Merta) on 24th September 1629 CE. After the demise of Maharana Jagat Singh I, Raj Singh ascended the throne of Mewar. He occupied the throne of Mewar on 10th October 1652 CE. In the following month, of the same year he went to Shree Eklingnath ji Temple and did 'Tula Dan' of precious gems and stones. He was anointed as the next ruler of Mewar, according to the Hindu almanac at the auspicious time on 4th February 1653 CE. That day, he also sat for 'Tula Dan' against silver. History records that, the 58th Custodian of the House of Mewar, Maharana Raj Singh I holds a prestigious position in his 28 years of reign. Raj Singh excelled in art of politics, struggled against the Mughals all his life maintaining independence of Mewar, and managed the finances of Mewar very efficiently in critical times.

Mewar at the time of Maharana Raj Singh

When Kanwar Raj Singh ascended the throne of Mewar, after the demise of Maharana Jagat Singh I, Shah Jahan was the Mughal emperor who was a tolerant ruler, but tyrant Aurangzeb succeeded him. During the reign of Maharana Jagat Singh I, some parganas of Mewar including Purmandal, Kherabad, Mandalgarh, Jahajpur, Sawer, Banera, Phuliya, Badnor, Hurda etc. were under Mughal Control.  Later, during the accession crisis in the Mughal Empire, Prince Aurangzeb had scored decisive victories against Prince Dara Shikoh. Maharana Raj Singh shrewdly refrained from responding to Dara's call for assistance, supported Aurangzeb, and wisely kept on strengthening his own kingdom. Maharana Raj Singh's neutrality in the war succession resulted in vast territorial gains for Mewar. He reoccupied Mandalgarh, Dariba, Banera, Jahajpur, Sawer, Phulia, Kekadi etc. in the turbulent times of Shah Jahan's illness. He empowered Malpura, Toda, Tonk, Sawer, Lalsot and Chatsu. Maharana also established his hegemony over Dungarpur, Banswara Pratapgarh, Gyaspur and Dewalia. Maharana also set peace with local Bhils. He recruited them in his army, solidifying his army and defence thus settling peace in Mewar. 

Mewar - Mughal Relations

A treaty was signed between Maharana Amar Singh I and Mughal Emperor Jahangir in 1615 CE. The relations were smoothened after the treaty. When Aurangzeb became the emperor, his religious policies grew so harsh that Maharana could not resist opposing him. He also continued to breech the treaty with Mughals by repairing the fort Chittorgarh like his father. However, Maharana continued his relations with the Mughals diplomatically. In year 1658 CE, Kanwar Sultan Singh went to congratulate Aurangzeb for his success in the war of Mughal succession. Delighted with this meeting, Aurangzeb returned all the provinces captured by the Mughals during the time of Maharana Jagat Singh I. In 1660 CE, Kishangarh's Princess Charumati sent marriage proposal to Maharana Raj Singh, as she was forced to marry Aurangzeb. He abducted her and married her, which outraged Aurangzeb. In 1669 CE, Aurangzeb gave the order to destroy Hindu temples and educational institutions and re-imposed Jaziya, Maharana opposed it openly. However, when Maharana gave refuge to Maharaja Ajit Singh of Jodhpur, Aurangzeb finally attacked Mewar. He attacked in 1679 CE. The Maharana resisted the attack by using guerilla tactics. Aurangzeb was opposed at Debari, after which he reached Udaipur. He ordered the destruction of Jagdish Temple. It was resisted by 20 warriors of Mewar, with their leader Naruji and all died there itself. Mughal forces destroyed many idols in the temple complex. Aurangzeb ordered his men to find the Maharana in the mountains, however no one succeeded. Disappointed Aurangzeb went to Delwara, destroyed temples and left for Ajmer. 

Establishing the Hindu Temples and opposition to Jaziya

Aurangzeb, the Mughal emperor by his policies he had abandoned his predecessors' legacy of pluralism and religious tolerance, citing his reintroduction of the Jaziya tax. On his 53th birth anniversary, he ordered the demolition of all-important temples within his empire and schools. It resulted in relocation of many idols to safer places because of this order. In this chaos, there was some family dispute in the Goswami brothers of Pushtimarg Haveli's Third House belonging to Shree Dwarkadheeshji of Gokul. Thus, Goswami Vrajbhushanlal ji first went to Ahemdabad with the idol of Shree Dwarkadheeshji, but he was not sure about the protection there. Therefore, he sent a letter to Maharana Raj Singh who assured him for complete protection and invited him to Mewar. In 1670 CE, the idol of Shree Dwarkadheeshji came from Ahmedabad to village Sadri in Mewar. The consecration of Shree Dwaradheeshji was ritualized in Asautiya. Later, Maharana Sangram Singh II consecrated the temple at Girdhargarh, Kankroli in year 1719 CE, on the bank of Rajsamand Lake. Due to the intolerance of Aurangzeb, Goswami Hariray Mahaprabhuji supervised the journey of Shree Vitthalnathji to Kheda Village (Nathdwara) through Khamnor. In the same manner, on 26th October 1669, Goswami Damodarlalji left from Giriraj Goverdhandham near Mathura with the idol of Shreenathji and reached Mewar via Agra, Kota, Bundi, Pushkar, Kishangarh, Chopasani (Jodhpur). From Jodhpur, he sent his uncle Govind ji (Gopinathji) to meet the Maharana. Maharana discussed this issue with his mother and graciously welcomed Shreenathji prabhu to Mewar and promised full protection by all means. After that Goswami Damodarlalji along with Shreenathji Prabhu reached Mewar. On 20th February 1672 CE, Maharana went to welcome Shreenathji Prabu in Mewar and granted the Village of Sihad (Nathdwara) for the establishment of Shreenathji's Temple which is 12 miles from Udaipur and the temple was consecrated. On 2nd April 1679 CE, Jaziya tax was re-imposed on non-Muslims by Aurangzeb and the order to demolish the Hindu temples was an act of absolutism. Maharana Raj Singh opposed the Mughal emperor. He wrote a disapproving letter to the emperor. 

Relations of Mewar with other Kingdoms

Maharana Raj Singh was a farsighted and able ruler. When he decided to oppose the Mughal rule, he maintained good relations with his neighbouring kingdoms. During the peace period in Mewar, the defence forces were highly strategized through which many of the discreet neighbouring kingdoms like Dungarpur, Banswara and Pratapgarh were forced to accept Mewar's suzerainty but through respectful means. He also had matrimonial alliances to strengthen the political situation in Mewar. Maharana Raj Singh married Kunwerbai of Bundi, daughter of Rao Shatrushal in his princely period. He also had matrimonial alliances with Jaisalmer, Idar, Kishangarh too. Maharana's sister was married to Bikaner Prince Anup Singh and daughter Ajab Kunwar to Prince Bhav Singh of Bandhav. When Aurangzeb tried to conquer Marwar, he also gave refuge to the infant king of Marwar Ajit Singh, son of Maharaja Jaswant Singh in his captivity. In this era of continues struggle, Maharana Raj Singh gave refuge and aid to the brave warrior Durgadas Rathore, who was known for his Mughal resistance. When Sirohi's Prince Udaybhan captivated his own father and sat on the throne, the Maharana heard of this unjust act and he ordered Ram Singh Ranawat to attack Sirohi. Udaybhan lost the battle and fled. King Akheraj was reinstated on the throne. Maharana was maintaining peace treaties and friendly relations, with other kingdoms. In addition, when Maharana built Rajsamand lake, he also sent many valuable gifts to Jodhpur, Amer, Bundi, Bikaner, Rampura, Jaisalmer, Dungarpur and Riva, including jewels, horses and elephants. Thus, Maharana increased the number of his supporting kingdoms and that is why he was able to oppose Mughal supremacy.

Constructions by Maharana Raj Singh

Maharana Raj Singh's political strategies were so strong that in despite of such tough situations, he was able to devote time and money for construction in Mewar. During his heir - apparent period Kunwar Raj Singh built a Palace called Sarvaritu Vilas (Sarbat Vilas) and got a step-well made nearby. In 1659 CE, he completed the fort wall and the gate at Debari. He completed half built temples of Lord Shiva, Surya, Ganpati and Shani in Shree Jagdish Temple, Udaipur which were half built in his father's time. Raj Singh constructed the largest lake of the time known as Rajsamundra (1662-1676 CE), with Nau Chowki Pal and a palace was constructed on the nearby hill and along with Shree Dwarakdheeshji Temple. Near the lake, a town with his name Rajnagar also prospered. In 1664 CE, he built Shree Amba Mata temple in Udaipur. He built Lake Janasagar (Badi), west of Udaipur named after his mother Jana Devi near village Badi. Maharana also got constructed a new bridge near Indrasar (Indrasarover) at Eklingji. His queen Jhali Maharani got constructed a step-well called Ekmukhi Bawdi, Chittorgarh. In 1675 CE,  queen Charumati got built a step well at Rajnagar and Queen Panwar Rani got the Step well named 'Jaya Bavdi' made at Debari, now known as Trimukhi Bavdi. In 1668 CE, his son Kunwar Jai Singh built the Lake Rang Sagar. His minister, Fatehchand also got a step-well built at village Bedwas. 

Sons of Maharana Raj Singh - Sultan Singh and Sardar Singh

In Mewar, there is a local custom of worshipping 'Sagas ji' considered as 'Lok Devtas', lesser Gods and both the sons of Maharana Raj Singh, Sultan Singh and Sardar Singh are worshipped as such. The local folklore is that, the mother of Kunwar Sardar Singh wanted her son to be the next Maharana and she brainwashed Raj Singh with the help of a priest against Kunwar Sultan Singh. Thus, Kunwar Sultan Singh was assassinated. Then, the Rani wrote a note to her confident priest saying that she has got rid of Kunwar Sultan Singh, now the should poison the Maharana so that her son Kunwar Sardar Singh could ascend the throne of Mewar. After some time, this treachery planned by the Rani and the Purohit came out in the open and Maharana was very angry, so much so that the Rani and the Purohit were executed immediately. When Kunwar Sardar Singh came to know of this intrigue, he took poison and he died, as he felt deeply grieved because of his elder brother being put in the wrong of whom he was very fond of. Elder brother Kunwar Sultan Singh's cenotaph is at Sarvaritu Vilas and younger Kunwar Sardar Singh's cenotaph is at Kanwarpada Mahal, where they both are worshiped as Sagas ji.

Contribution of Maharana Raj Singh in Literature and Art

Due to Maharana Raj Singh's love for art, architecture and literature, his period was a time of literary development even in the times of struggle. Where on one hand Maharana was struggling with the Mughals, on the other hand, he himself wrote poems. He gave royalty to many Sanskrit scholars, poets, artists and architects thus continued to contribute in enriching art and literature. During the time of Maharana Raj Singh, important texts such as Ranchod Bhatt's Rajprashasti Mahakavyam, Sadashiv's Rajratnakar, Mankavi's Rajavilas, Rajprakash by Kishordas were composed and manuscripts of historical texts were also copied under Maharana's guidance. The principal engravers of Rajasamudra were Mukund, Dalapati Maha Singh, Mokam Singh, Vyagrah who materialised Maharana Raj Singh's speculative imagination. The idols built at Ekmukhi, Sundar and Trimukhi step wells indicate the developed sculpture art. Chawand painting school, which began during the period of Maharana Pratap, was also glorified during his reign. With the arrival of Shreenathji in Mewar, the emergence of a new painting school - Nathdwara style of painting was developed during this period, which is also known as Pichhwai.

Munificence of Maharana Raj Singh

By his benevolence and religiosity one comes to know about his large heartedness. His 'Daan' and benevolence is documented in 'Rajprashsthi' at many places in which there are 'Tula Daan' of gems and precious stones, gold, silver etc. From time to time he organized religious functions and carried out giving various types of gifts 'Daans' including elephants, horses, cows, cash and land for cultivation and revenue earning. He even made his Rani's and sons give away gifts in 'Tula Daan'. He also went on many pilgrimages where on religious places he gave away gifts and carried out 'Daan'. For general public he also organized central kitchens in time of famine and organized digging of well, step - wells and dams to mitigate natural calamity. He also organize common marriages for poor girls.

Manuscript illustrations under the patronage of Maharana Raj Singh I

Manuscript illustrations in Mewar during the reign of Maharana Raj Singh I, have concentrated on regional painting styles. It was based on religion, literary and historical texts. First, Maharana Jagat Singh I, r. 1628 - 1652  CE initiated Manuscript painting project, under the charge of Sahibdin. After the demise of Maharana Jagat Singh I, Maharana Raj Singh’s patronage of manuscript painting continued unabated and thus after his accession he got the Ramayana Series completed, which was started by his father Maharana Jagat Singh I. Initially, three independent painting workshops continued at Udaipur under the charge of Sahibdin, Manohar and Deccani Painters. Sukarakshetramahatmya series (1655 CE), Sur Sagar (1655 CE), Raga Malkaus - Ragamala (1660 CE), Gitagovinda series (1665 CE), Bhagavata Purana Series (1665-70 CE), Gajendramoksha series (1680 CE) and Eklingamahatmya series (1680 CE) were illustrated during his reign.  

Gajendramoksha Series

Gajendramoksha a prayer, addressed to lord Vishnu by Gajendra (king of elephants) is one of the most magnificent hymns of Bhakti from the Bhagwat Puran. According to Bhagwat Puran Lord Vishnu comes down to earth to protect the Gajendra from the clutches of a crocodile. Lord Vishnu said to Gajendra that he, in one of his previous births, had been the celebrated King Indradyumna, a devotee of Vishnu, but due to his disrespect to the great Saint Agastya, he had been cursed to be reborn as an elephant. After that, Gajendra realized his mistake and totally surrendered himself to Lord Vishnu. Gajendra achieved Moksha or liberation from cycle of birth and death with the help of Lord Vishnu. In 1680 CE, Gajendramoksha manuscript illustration was started and followed the Sahibdin’s painting style. Sahibdin’s painting compositions are full of brilliant colors and are endowed with religious fervor; these characters are also shown in Gajendramoksha series. The Painting above describes the arrival of Lord Vishnu on Garuda and libration of Gajendra. 

Eklingamahatmya Series

Eklingamahatmya was composed by Kanh Vyasa during the reign of Maharana Kumbha, r. 1433 – 1468. This book described the early history of Mewar from Bappa Rawal, r. 734 – 753, onwards. In 1680 CE, Eklingamahatmya series illustration started under the commission inspired partly by the Maharana’s historical and genealogical interest. The illustration shows a speckled background with clothes, tree and foliage. In the painting one can see, the Abhishek of Shree Eklingnath ji through the milk of the revered cow, Kamdhenu. All other Gods and Godesses including Lord Brahma are praying to Shree Eklingnath ji, manifestation of Lord Shiva. 

Sur Sagar Series

Surdas ji, was a 16th-century Vaishnav devotional poet and singer, though blind from his birth, who was known for his lyrics written in praise of Shree Krishna. They are usually written in Braj Bhasha. Surdas ji's collection is also a part of the Bhakti Movement in India. The collection Sur Sagar (Sur's Ocean) is traditionally attributed to Surdas ji. It is believed that Surdas ji intended to complete 1,25,000 hymns on Shree Krishna but could only complete 1,00,000 and the rest were completed by Shreenath ji itself according to ‘Churyasi Vaishnavo ki Varta’.  The Sur Sagar in its present form focuses on descriptions of Krishna as a lovable child, written from the Gopis' perspective. This series was compiled between 1655-60 CE by Monohar and his painting style. This series shows a collobration of several artists. In the paintings we see the illustration of Janmashtmi Kirtan, ‘Rani tero cheerjiyo gopal’. The use of colors in this series is very vibrant. The kirtan is a blessing to Shree Krishna’s mother on his birthday for a long and healthy life. The painting also shows the childhood adventures of Shree Krishna.

Geet Govinda series

The Geet Govinda is a work composed in Sanskrit by the 12th-century Hindu poet, Jayadeva. It describes the relationship between Krishna and the Gopis’ (female cow herders) of Vrindavana, and in particularly Radha ji. The Geet Govinda is organized into twelve chapters. Each chapter is further sub-divided into twenty-four divisions called Prabandhas. The Prabandhas contain couplets grouped into eights, called Ashtapadis. It is mentioned here that Radha is greater than Krishna. The text also elaborates the eight moods of Heroine, the Ashta Nayika. This series is made in a vertical format with a plain background. The style attributes to Deccan influence dated 1655 CE. The painting shows Shree Krishna sitting with Radha ji in a garden discussing about various plants.

Demise of Maharana Raj Singh I

Maharana Raj Singh has been known as very courageous and he wants to fight Aurangzeb till his last breath. However, when he was travelling to Kumbhalgarh the royal camp was set up at a village called Oda. He was poisoned. He died on 22nd October 1680 CE. He was cremated in Oda village only, where now stands a cenotaph in his remembrance.


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