Rajesh Kumar, Chief Operating Officer, Pravasi Indians, presenting a copy of the magazine to Prof Anil D Sahasrabudhe, Chairman, AICTE New Delhi, September 03, 2022. Brought out by Template Media in collaboration with GRC India, Pravasi Indians has today emerged as a frontline publication in the Diaspora segment with a global readership and reach through it print edition + digital platform and social media community. The publication’s website is drawing increasing traffic from across the world. As on date, the global footprint of www.pravasindians.com includes visitors from 62 countries including, USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Sweden, Iran, China, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, New Zealand, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, South Africa, Singapore, Sweden, Brazil, Philippines, Egypt, Ireland, Malaysia, South Korea, Belgium, Bulgaria, Hong Kong, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Romania, Argentina, Bahrain, Brunei, Georgia, Greece, Japan,...